Hi folks,
In case you have not read it, yesterday at
I wrote an article, refuting Financial Times’ big hit piece on Pinduoduo/Temu (PDD). Many seasoned investors brushed off the lightly researched FT article as laughable. However, publishing low-quality journalism on a highly influential mainstream platform gives it outsized power. On the day after FT's report, PDD's share price tumbled.In my article, titled, “PDD's secretive founder, his mentor and Warren Buffet - and why Financial Times was clueless”, I draw from data points from my years of observing this company, as well as from my personal encounters with PDD founder Colin Huang, to make a case that PDD becomes who they are for a reason, and you can't understand Colin Huang without understanding people he makes friends with, including his mentor, (who is perhaps the richest guy in the world whom you haven't heard of), as well as one of the richest guys you have definitely heard of, Warren Buffet.
My article was well-received. Many friends have messaged me showing support. Thank you!
For this newsletter, however, I am afraid I have exhausted my writing energy for this week. I still have a full-time job as the CEO, (although I dream of being a full-time writer when the time comes.) So allow me to be lazy and skip this week.
However, there have been so many things to talk about for the past few weeks, and, including my “Hong Kong is not over” series, this week has already been the third week in a row when I haven’t done a typical weekly review! How can I forgive myself…
I will try not to fail you next week, for which there are several topics in my head right now. Which topics would you love to hear more about? Substack doesn’t allow multiple-choice poll, so either you name me the most wanted one in the poll below or just leave me a comment!
Cheers, and have a great weekend!
宁缺勿滥... Rest well!
Is there an option for "All of the above" for your topic next week?
You are awesome