Hi folks, it has been quite an eventful week. Unfortunately, I do not have time this week to do a big coverage of every topic. So I asked in my Substack chat group, that between Taiwan and the upcoming, highly anticipated 3rd Plenum, which one you would prefer me to talk about. Although a slight majority of voters prefer the 3rd Plenum, I have still decided to only talk about Taiwan for this week, as the 3rd Plenum is still a few weeks away and there may be more developments later.
Besides these two topics, for the paying subscribers of
, next week I will also explain what the major breakthroughs are in this week’s big State Council document supporting our venture capital industry. Being someone who just wrote a very popular article lamenting the demise (and hoping for a rebirth) of China’s venture capital industry, I think I am qualified to write about the first major policy response to this problem. So stay tuned at Baiguan.FT’s big Taiwan scoop
Last weekend, the Financial Times dropped a huge piece of news that got quickly buried in the news cycles. Journalists Demetri Sevastopulo and Joe Leahy wrote:
China’s President Xi Jinping told European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen that Washington was trying to goad Beijing into attacking Taiwan, according to people familiar with the matter.
Xi issued the warning in a meeting with von der Leyen in April 2023 that was described to the Financial Times by several people. He said the US was trying to trick China into invading Taiwan, but that he would not take the bait. Another person said he had issued similar warnings to his officials.
Now, different people will interpret this kind of information differently. For me, I think 1) very likely this conversation did take place and 2) Xi meant it. I also think a significant number of American political establishments do want China to go to war over Taiwan. If war is chosen, China will most likely be significantly weakened, no matter winning or losing. I would really be surprised if the likes of Matt Pottinger and Mike Gallagher, the “No Substitute for Victory” camp in the DC, do not secretly wish for this perfect scenario.
But it’s natural the outside world might interpret this differently. Most of the commentators who are suspicious of this are along this line of logic: “Xi must be faking it, by playing the victim. He is just like Putin, who claimed the US goaded Russia into war! ”
I disagree with this kind of view.
First, there are in fact two major pieces of information in this news. The first one, the one that makes it into the headline, is that “Xi believes the US wants China to attack Taiwan”. But the second piece, which does not make it into the headline, is actually more important: “Xi says he will not take the bait”. He was not using this perceived trap from the US to reinforce the idea that we should prepare for war. Instead, what he explicitly said, if the FT story is true, forbade his underlings to fall into this trap.
Second, even if you disagree with the “baiting narrative”, it's necessary to deal with this new reality that the Chinese side “believes” it’s true. Words, which can never be fully trusted, do carry weight. And please remember when he says things like this, it’s not just a signal for the international audience, but for the domestic audience as well. The same domestic audience includes at least millions of members (military, intelligence, logistics, suppliers, etc) he would rely on and mobilize for any big expedition. Saying something here while doing something to the opposite is very hard to do, operationally, because it would be just so confusing for everyone involved. Such words would be a disaster for any war preparation efforts. So it’s very unlikely if he doesn’t mean it.
Finally, there is also a possible scenario that few outsiders talk about. Although China as a whole wants no war, it’s not unthinkable that certain radical elements in its power structure may actually hope for it. After all, it’s not just the US that has hot-headed radicals such as Pottinger and Gallagher.
While a typical Western mind is only able to attribute the decision of War & Peace to the whims of a single person like President Xi, you have to remember not every war was started by the top leaders1. It’s usually the mid-level provocateurs, fancying for personal glory but lacking long-term vision for the common good, the Pottingers and the Gallaghers, who are the biggest headache.
So it’s theoretically possible that Xi may be not only signaling his intent for no war here, but also sending an explicit warning to command the radical elements to stand down. This possibility is purely my guesswork. I have no evidence to prove it, so listen to me at your own peril.
Whatever is true, one thing is for sure: the chance for war in the Taiwan Strait in any foreseeable future has just been materially weakened. That’s why I think this news is very significant, so as to warrant a top mention in this newsletter. As you all know,
only aims to cover the events that really matter, beyond the noise.[For the rest of this article, I will comment on Xi’s letter to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of Whampoa Academy, which has a special place in Chinese history as well as implications for Taiwan as well. This section will be behind the paywall for 5 days.
Please consider being my patron and join my community if you wish to read it sooner. If you are a paid subscriber of Baiguan, please DM me for complimentary access]
The centennial anniversary of Whampoa Military Academy
Only a few days later after the FT scoop, in a related event, Xi wrote a letter to commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the Whampoa Military Academy. This is the institution that carried a huge weight in the history of modern China, so this gesture from Xi carried a significant connotation. For those of you who are less familiar with this part of history, let me explain.
Whampoa was really the birthplace of the modern Chinese military. It was the birthplace of top generals in BOTH the Kuomintang and Communist armies. Chiang Kai-Shek got his power base in KMT by being its founding school principal. Zhou Enlai, PRC’s smooth-talking founding premier, was its head of the political department. At Whampoa, he worked directly under Chiang, who would be Zhou’s arch-enemy a few years later. Most of Chiang’s top generals graduated from Whampoa, and so were more than half of the top Communist marshals and generals at the founding of the People’s Republic.
Just months ago, during the Spring Festival holiday, I finally got to visit Whampoa in Guangzhou. It was just amazing to witness for myself that China’s civil war between KMT and the communists was arguably a schoolyard fight between former classmates who once slept on those bunker beds together and that so much history, conflicts, and cohesion of 20th-century China packed into this small schoolyard.
And such is the symbolism of Whampoa. It’s a symbol of a broken family whose members once fought battles side by side but later fought among themselves. It’s the symbol of a civil war that has never officially ended but is frozen in limbo by the Strait and bigger geopolitical dynamics.
Because it’s a limbo, the Whampoa Military Academy still exists today, in the form of the Republic of China Military Academy, based in Taiwan. (I tried to link to their official website detailing their own history, but I can only find it on Google but can’t open it at all. Can you see this page?)
Xi’s letter was also addressed to the 40-year anniversary of the “Alumni Association” of Whampoa, which was established in 1984 with Marshal 徐向前 Xu Xiangqian, one of the “Ten Great Marshals” of the PRC, as its founding chairman. But other members include notable KMT generals such as Gen. 宋希濂 Song Xilian, Gen. 郑洞国 Zheng Dongguo, among many others. The alumni, who were once old foes hellbent on killing each other, literally came back together to party again. In this sense, Whampoa also became a symbol of unity, then conflict, and then reconciliation.
It’s a reminder for the outside world that China sees the question of Taiwan, where half of the Whampoa graduates fled to in 1949, remains a family feud. Because it’s about family, no external power should insert itself into it. And also precisely because it’s about family, China itself has no appetite for violence. The reconciliation for the civil war is long overdue. It’s simply tragic to add another chapter to this tragedy. China will choose violence if forced to do so, but we will try our utmost to avoid it.
Just as an unrelated historical analogy to help illustrate my point, it’s well-known that many pivotal wars waged by Imperial Japan were started not by the top leadership, but by mid-level conspirators. In the Mukden Incident of 1931, one colonel and one lieutenant colonel independently carried out a sabotage operation that prompted Japan to invade Manchuria.
This is very encouraging. It would be a good idea to turn down the temperature in the Taiwan straits. There is too much to lose and too little to gain by a conflict
Hi, Mr Wu
Yes, I can indeed see the content on the page. The English version of Whampoa History is only one page with the following content:
For more than a decade after the founding of the Republic of China in 1911, the country was mostly ruled by warlords and at the mercy of the imperialist powers because of lacking a true revolutionary army. During this period the Republic existed in name only. In 1924 Dr. Sun Yat-sen decided to establish a military academy at Whampoa in Guangdong Province, and he appointed Chiang Kai-shek to be superintendent of the Academy. This Academy was to bear the responsibility for training revolutionary cadres and establishing a revolutionary army. On June 16,at the ceremony marking the beginning of classes at the Academy held on June 16th, Dr. Sun Yat-sen proclaimed the school motto of “esprit de corps,” and issued a written exhortations. The text of the exhortation was: "The Three Principles of the People is the doctrine of our Party. We will establish a republic, promote unity, and gather worthy individuals to serve as the vanguard of the People. We will work diligently day and night in obedience to the tenets of our doctrine. We vow to be brave and hard-working. "We shall be loyal trustworthy, of one heart and one mind from the beginning to the end of our undertaking. "Dr. Sun Yat-sen thus revealed his intention to create a never-ending stream of indomitable revolutionary solders, and entrusted the great task of saving China to the academy's instructors and cadets. In 1927 the words of the exhortation were put to music to be the new national anthem.
Although the republic almost collapsed due to financial weakness and warlords' attack during the academy's early years, the instructors and cadets worked hard and displayed great esprit de corps. Following the personal example of Chiang Kai-shek, the Whampoa spirit of "sacrifice, solidarity, and responsibility" was firmly planted. The cadets had to fight and study at the same time, each person had to do the work of many. First they succeeded in consolidating the revolutionary heartland by quelling rebellions in Guangdong province. Afterwards the revolutionary army with the cadets and instructors of Whampoa as its backbone completed the Northern Expedition, routed the communists, and won final victory in the War against Japan.
In response to changing external circumstances, the location of the Whampoa Academy was moved three times. The academy moved first to Nanjing in 1928 following the success of the Northern Expedition, and then to Chengtu in 1937 during the War against Japan. During this war many branch schools and officer-training teams were established in order to bolster the Army's strength. In 1950 the Whampoa Academy was re-established at Fengshan in Taiwan. In order to rebuild the Army to be a modern fighting force, a new university system of education was introduced in 1954 and has been implemented until the present. Although curriculum reform has been instituted several times during this period, and adopted some of the strengths of western military education, the outstanding Whampoa tradition still enables the school to continue to build graduates who are both officers and gentlemen.
The Chinese version has a lot more content divided over 5 sub-sections:
民國初肇,軍閥割據,列強環伺,國事內憂外患,為建立國家武力,培養健全的革命幹部, 國父決議設立軍官學校,乃於民國十三年五月二日於廣州市長洲島創校,任命中正先生為校長,並親頒「親愛精誠」校訓暨開學訓詞(後為國歌歌詞)勗勉師生,因應時局三度遷校。
黃埔時期,學生接受軍事教育並編成教導團,陸續參與商團之役,東征時期-棉湖、惠州之役,北伐時期-泗汀橋、龍潭之役,在在以寡敵眾,所向披靡, 終能全國統一,爾後各期先賢學長,前仆後繼,投入剿共、抗日及確保台、 澎、 金、 馬 之基地,均以保國衛民為神聖使命,肇建黃埔國家共榮之事功。
回顧建校初期以五百支步槍肇基,憑藉「不貪財,不怕死,愛國家,愛百姓」之高尚志節, 抱「升官發財請往他處,貪生畏死勿入斯門」之精神,為國家興亡而捨生取義,我黃埔弟子當以「今日我以黃埔為榮,明日黃埔以我為榮」自詡,在學期間應懷抱頂天立地的豪情,蓄養正大光明的胸懷,堅持正義的道德勇氣,以培養勇毅穩健的軍人氣質,成為國軍卓越之領導人才,蔚為國用。
潮州分校(民國十四年~十五年) 校軍第一次東征底定潮汕後,為補訓第二期學生課程乃籌設該校計招訓兩期畢業人數共計七百二十八人。
南京位於長江三角洲的頂點,史稱龍盤虎踞,帝王之宅,憑高據深,形勢天成,民國十六年三月,革命軍克復南京,四月十五日決議以此為國都,蔣公發表告全體將士書云,南京為總理親自指定的都城,邦國之基自是永奠是非既明,真偽立辨,中正身負黨重任,自當率我民國革命全體將士一致效死,擁護南京建都的真正國民政府,南京既為國都,人物薈萃, 衡軏中樞黃埔軍校又為承先啟後,繼往開來的革命搖籃,自當設於京畿所在,並擬遷校南京後備專司升學教育。
黃埔母校暫負入伍教育及預科訓練之責,正當南京遷校籌備就緒十六年十一月一日正式開學之際,旋因共黨倡亂造成寧漢分裂,十一月五日,軍委會令改校名為中央陸軍軍官學校並陸續成立潮州洛陽湖南湖北江西廣州燕塘成都昆明南寧西安新疆等十一所分校,均由蔣公兼任校長各戰區總司令兼任各分校教育主任,實際推動校務如潮州分校何應欽將軍兼任江西分校陳誠將軍兼任湖南分校錢大鈞將軍兼任 。
當九一八事變發生後,蔣公以內憂外患嚴重,中央確定抗日必先剿共,攘外必先安內,乃勗勉黃埔學生,當以忠勇愛國,不惜犧牲精神,共赴國難,二十一年五月二十一日蔣公自兼豫鄂皖三省剿共總司令,肅清大別山共區,六月十五日在廬山召集豫鄂皖贛湘五省清剿會議,以七分政治三分軍事為剿共策略,六月二十八日轉赴漢口,集中黃學生所統領之主力軍,半年之間,肅清華中共軍,日本評論謂蔣委員長在華中剿共成功,得力於黃埔學生之貢獻 。
抗日後期,三次的長沙大捷及鄂西,湘西等會戰勝利,日軍傷亡慘重,自此絕其西犯鄂,川之念,使我國家得以全國動員從容應戰,從此日本師老兵疲,深陷泥淖而不能自拔,國軍漸佔優勢,我黃埔先期畢業者經長期在 戰場中之磨練,已嶄露頭角,擔任中上級將校,指揮作戰,為抗戰建國,建立殊勳。
三十年底,太平洋戰爭爆發,蔣公出任中國戰區最高統帥(包括越南,泰國),應英國要求派遣第五、六、六十六等軍,遠征緬甸,在該區苦戰兩年,戴安瀾師長黃埔三期壯烈殉國 。各軍幹部大都為黃埔子弟,其英勇犧牲精神,足可驚天地而泣鬼神。
三十六年我政府宣佈反共救民,戡亂行憲,但為時已晚,三十七年「徐蚌會戰」失利,國人惑於和平談判,缺少戰志。蔣公曾於上海指揮黃埔子弟,組織非常委員會,保衛上海,一次劇戰,予共軍重創,掩護中央政府百萬軍民,播遷至台灣與廣東。檢討戡亂時期,雖未竟全功,但先期的戴之奇(之奇樓)熊綬春(綬春樓)劉麟書(麟書樓)張靈甫(靈甫樓)蔡仁傑(仁傑樓)邱清泉(清泉樓)等諸同學,大節凜然,臨難不屈,飲彈自戕,多少黃埔子弟,為殲滅共軍而奮勇犧牲,充分發揮了黃埔精神。大陸戡亂雖遭失利,但黃埔子弟,不論存亡,都盡了全力,最後贏得金門,登步的大捷,保全台澎金馬作為解救大陸同胞復興中華的基地 。
大陸時期黃埔軍校(含分校)計培養廿五萬餘幹部,投入東征,北伐,剿共,抗戰均能以寡擊眾,以弱克強,黃埔子弟為國盡瘁馳驅,前後犧牲十餘萬人,忠勇壯烈成仁的事蹟可與日月爭光 。
科學教育:授以國文、史地、數學 、 物理、化學、及外國語文等,使學生具有一般普通科學常識。 體能訓練:著重各種運動與技能之磨練,使其能擭得平均發展,習得近戰技術,並培養其犧牲奮鬥,合作、互助之精神。
民國六十四年,自四十七期起,修業期限延長為四年三個月,第一至第七學期全部修習普通學科,第八學期(二十五週 〉實施步兵班戰鬥教練及步兵連編制兵器訓練。